Blog 92 – Now we really are 60 … by Ms Paige Turner – be the first to spot the deliberate mistake and you’ll get a free assessment of a poem up to 20 lines – value – £10.
Well, there’s no use denying it. Ms Tea Tree Oil, my long standing and beautiful beauty therapist told the world on Facebook last Monday. And gratified I was to receive so many birthday wishes now the internet makes it so easy to send them. I got the fourth assignment results for my Masters degree that day too. So it was a big day in more ways than one. I hadn’t looked forward to this particular birthday. My father died a couple of months after he had this one and it always seemed so far off.
But here I am and I spent it not widely but deeply. Mister Justin Case and I had been to see ‘The Fault is in Our Stars’. It’s a pretty mushy, saccharine kind of movie. YA genre – which is big now in literary terms. When I started writing Young Adult there was a notion that the target market didn’t exist at all. It certainly seems to now. The film is based on John Green’s novel about two teenagers who have terminal cancer. The title is a twist on a line taken from Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’
Cassius says, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” (I, ii, 140-141).
But for Green’s star-crossed lovers, the fault is not theirs. It is in their fate. Hence the spin on the title. I quite liked this film. I will read the book. The film makes the point that in this celebrity crazed world that it’s better to be loved deeply than widely.
I spent my 60th with the people I care most deeply about: Mister Justin Case, Miss Trial and Master Mind.
Then three other people made the first week of my seventh decade special. Mister Red Hat put the finishing touches to my new website which he had been building. I met an old school friend for coffee in Baker Street to interview her for our school alumni magazine. Chrissie Thomas is Gavin Extence’s mum and Gavin came to speak at Creative Ink last November about his first novel ‘The Universe versus Alex Woods’ which has picked up all sorts of prizes. But he better watch out as his mum’s got a novel on the go. I’m doing a series of features for the alumni magazine which is produced annually, interviewing the 90 girls from our year. I don’t think I’ll get round to interviewing them all.
Oh and the third person was Mrs Carrie Oakey: my best friend. We laughed and cried together the whole of this last weekend. Exhaustion set in. I slept 11 hours last night and it’s why my blog is a little late.
Tuesdays: Get Inspired – from September 16th – 3 places left.
Thursdays: Get that Book out of You – from September 18th – 5 places left.
Email me for a syllabus.
Last bi-month’s teaser. Yes, Di Morrish – it’s Causley’s ‘Timothy Winters’ who had eyes as wide as a football pool. Hand out sheets coming.