Where there’s a Will …by Ms Paige Turner – Blog 89
I know. It’s a daunting prospect. But I like to think you just do it and put it in a bottom drawer: a lot like my writing process.
We’d made one before: Mr Justin Case and me. Just in case our falling off of the perch was synchronised when our daughter Miss Trial was a teenager and rendered an orphan. But now we were moving the will from London to somewhere local, we told the young Kylie Mynogue look alike, in suitable black suit, with her modern upward rising inflections; because we planned to die locally.
Did you know that if a couple fall off their perch together, or not as the case may be, the estate goes to the family of the partner who died last, in the event of there not being offspring? Miss Young Kylie Mynogue Lookalike asked if we wanted to make provision for this. I said, “Oh, no, that doesn’t bear thinking about.”
Then she asked if we wanted a particular hymn or reading at our last send off. I thought for a moment as I like to run my own show but then thought better of it. Miss Trial had said to me when I suggested writing my own eulogy, “Oh, thanks, Mum, just one less job for me to do,” but I haven’t got a round tuit. At least I wouldn’t be asked to stand up and deliver it. And anyway, I can’t bear the thought of running a show I’m never going to see. The live ones are enough trouble.
Anyway, back to the task in hand. Once Miss Young Kylie Mynogue Lookalike totted up the damage, I was almost comatose. “How much?” I heard myself saying. It almost gave me a heart attack. Then Miss Young Kylie Mynogue Lookalike said, “I’ll try and get this in the post tomorrow.” It’s Thursday. “But,” she says, “there won’t be closure on this until it’s all been signed and sealed and I’m on holiday next week so appreciate if you could survive that long.”
This old bird is holding on to her perch and her breath. I do love euphemisms.
There’s been a delay in getting this to you as the hosting has changed but my blog is now resurrected and bi-monthly. It took a bit of doing but you know, where there’s a will … Hit the button at the top right hand corner for updates.
Creative Ink for Writers’ classes start again Tuesday 16th September – Get Inspired and Thursday 18th September – Get that Book out of You for five weeks. Both classes have enough numbers to run but still some places left. Email me.
Congratulations to Galit Gibson and Philippa Brewer who have both obtained literary agents with books they were working on at Creative Ink. Always send me your news.