A Pig in a Poke – Blog 102 – Ms Paige Turner
I know I should perhaps be writing about turkeys buts pigs have come to mind. Whenever we trip aboard (and we have just returned from six weeks in Cape Town) I always award a ‘pig in the poke’ prize. What did I buy that was pretty useless?
This trip’s award goes to the Xhosa woman who sold me a comb to keep my hair up and in place. It cost 150 Rand and it’s pretty and it’s useless. When she demonstrated on me my hair was perfectly poised on the comb. I told her I wasn’t sure I could manipulate the comb in the same way that she did. “Sky. Turn. To the floor,” she said and added, “You’re not buying a face lift but a hair comb.” I was swept away. But in my undexterous hands and with my fine hair she might as well have sold it to a bald concert pianist. To touch on the Christmas theme I’m sure we will all get at least one ‘pig in the poke’ present so lovingly chosen and wrapped this season.
I have nothing against pigs. Quentin Crisp was awfully rude about pig farmers but I met a lovely pig farmer in Darling, near Cape Town. Her name was Ella-Marie and we met when she was at a performance given by the wonderful Pieter-Dirk Uys who does a drag act which amongst many other things satirizes South African politics. He used me as his running joke as I sat in the audience one matinee last month referring to me as his ‘little UK friend.” Pieter-Dirk is beautiful and so is Ella- Marie. Ella-Marie smoked like a man, had the skin of a Hollywood celeb and was left side of fluffy female with Pieter-Dirk right side of that coin to mix my metaphors. Pieter-Dirk kept his metaphors straight when he said that socialism was a case of ‘nothing’s right’ and capitalism was a case of ‘nothing’s left’.
I never ran across such an interesting two people in my life and living it to the full. Ella-Marie, wherever you are, I hope you got that pig farming managerial post in Darling. And Pieter-Dirk, thank you for all the work you do informing youngsters about HIV and for using me as the running joke in your matinee. Keep doing wonderful work with or without your wig.
Creative Ink Classes Spring Term 2015. Tuesdays/Get Inspired/Full. Three places left on the Thursdays ‘Get that Book Out of You’ starting Thursday 15th January at the Fitzwilliams Centre, Beaconsfield.
Merry Christmas and thanks also to the lovely Christmas Past, Present and Future workshoppers last Wednesday in Amersham, hosted by Catherine Klyhn and lectured by moi.
See my feature ‘Hidden Influence’ in this month’s Writing Magazine.
Last week’s intentional error – no leopard frogs only leopard toads.