Category Archives: Uncategorized

‘The Hills of California by Jez Butterworth’

01/07/2024 // by Jan Moran Neil

‘The Hills of California by Jez Butterworth …’ at the Harold Pinter Theatre was just brilliant. I did have to buy a copy of the play to read as some of the performance was inaudible and unseeable due to high-piled hairstyles. Set in both the fifties and the seventies, it focuses on four sisters who […]

‘Getting to Grips with the Novel – or a Book of Any Kind: poetry, short stories, memoir and On the Radio …’

13/06/2024 // by Jan Moran Neil

‘Getting to Grips with the Novel – or a Book of any Kind: Short Stories, Poetry Collection or Memoir and I’m on the Radio’ I’m going to be teaching this in one day: at Gerrards Cross for the Buckinghamshire Adult Learning on Saturday 6th July. Contact A tall order, I know but I do […]

‘D-Day’ by Ms Paige Turner

06/06/2024 // by Jan Moran Neil

‘D-Day’ by Ms Paige TurnerI am two blogs behind because:1. I’ve been busy finishing my eighteen-month project narrating and uploading my two novels and poetry to Amazon Audible. The novel ‘Blackberry Promises’ has been re-published by Creative Ink Publishing. Blackberry Promises – a back street stabbing changes the lives for five young people in the […]

‘Voyager 2 and Jan’s Epic Voyage …’

27/04/2024 // by Jan Moran Neil

‘Voyager 2 and Jan’s Epic Voyage …’ by Ms Paige Turner Voyager 2 left the Earth over forty-six years ago, in 1977, to travel to our distant ice planets 12.7 billion miles from Earth and collect scientific data. Just recently it has been sending back gobbledygook: maybe it had been knocking back some fine red. […]

Undelivered Mail

07/04/2024 // by Jan Moran Neil

‘Undelivered Mail …’ by Ms Paige Turner To my horror, I have just discovered that my emails are going into most people’s Junk Mail. This is easily remedied if one has a small mailing list but I have 700 writers on mine: 700 people who have physically (how else could they do this?) given me […]

On the Radio …

26/03/2024 // by Jan Moran Neil

My Amazon Audible excerpt of my recorded novel ‘Shakespeare’s Clock’ was featured on BBC Radio on Thursday 14th March. (Sorry about the delay but I have been busy recording the next novel ‘Blackberry Promises’ for Amazon Audible.) The show is BBC Radio Berkshire (And it’s across quite a few counties) – Upload at 6-8pm on […]

‘Shakespeare’s Clock’ on Amazon Audio

08/03/2024 // by Jan Moran Neil

Having written and recorded my poetry collection ‘Red Lipstick & Revelations’ published by Indigo Dreams and recorded the Audio to Amazon, I embarked upon recording my novel Shakespeare’s Clock published by Cranthorpe Millner and have now uploaded this to Amazon Audio. This is the link. Shakespeare’s Clock You can sample a free taster just by […]

‘Back on the Beat …’

07/02/2024 // by Jan Moran Neil

‘Back on the Beat …’ by Ms Paige Turner. This is a bit late as I have been wining and dining myself in good old, beautiful Cape Town and apart from a singular, one-to-one consultation, for the first time, I didn’t do a scrap pf work but I was broadcasting my poetry, during my trip, […]

‘Peter Pan’ at the London Palladium Panto’ Review by Ms Paige Turner …

23/12/2023 // by Jan Moran Neil

‘Peter Pan’ at the London Palladium Panto’ Review … My parents always took my sister and me to the London Palladium panto’. Sometimes we sat in the box, even though our origins were humble. So it was a ‘big thing’ and probably at that time one of the few productions rather than the plethora of […]

‘An introduction to Creative Writing at the Beaconsfield Adult Learning Centre …’ by Jan Moran Neil

26/11/2023 // by Jan Moran Neil

An Introduction to Creative Writing at the Beaconsfield Adult Learning Centre this autumn … by Jan Moran Neil It’s been a strange and interesting return to teaching Creative Writing at the Beaconsfield Adult Learning Centre this autumn. After twelve years of running these courses I left in 2000 to set up my own Creative Ink […]