‘The Antagonist’ by Ms Paige Turner
I know the UK is heading for a Snow Filled Easter and has had a basin of it but Cape Town would welcome a few handfuls. When the North West wind, that harbinger of rain blows through, Cape Townians clap their hands and are happy. Lack of Water was the antagonist at Fish Hoek Scribblers last week but the Brits know that Snow can stop all play and work.
I’m looking forward to tackling the same topic at the Amersham evening workshop on Wednesday 25th April. You can email me for details but I think Catherine Klyhn is saying we are full, as is my final Creative Ink term at the Fitzwilliams Centre this summer. But I am not retiring and am available for workshops and ‘Red Lipstick’ presentations!
Happy Easter Bunnies – may the sun shine on the UK and rain in Cape Town.
The Antagonist
28/03/2018 // by Jan Moran Neil
The North-West Wind–sounds like a good song or film title.
In the midle east, there are several warm winds that they say drives people mad, or, at least, make them very depressed. I experienced one, but in South Australia, hitch-hiking in the bush. I just had to sit down beside the road and couldn’t understand why I felt so bad. I forced myself to walk on to a township. But it was deserted. I eventually met someone who said that when the warm wind blew from the east, everyone just locked everything up and lay down on their beds for a day or two.
Maybe that’s what they should do in Capetown–lie down and wait for the rains to come–and eat fruit.