‘Radio, Readings and Memoirs …’
You can tune into my readings of my novel ‘Shakespeare’s Clock’ (published by Cranthorpe Millner) on Marlow FM 97.5 radio here: www.marlowfm.co.uk/listen-again/ Good Morning Marlow, Friday 29th April at 10.40 am.
Or the interview and reading is available on the Home Page of my website.
Thrilled to say 516 copies of the pandemic anthology ‘When This Is All Over …’ published by Creative Ink Publishing for the Rennie Grove Hospice Care have been sold. You can buy here: https://amzn.to/3xi8iay
And a similar amount for my novel ‘Shakespeare’s Clock’ have been sold. Available on Amazon and here:
I will be running a ‘Writing Memoir’ workshop at the Chalfont St Giles & Jordans Literary Festival on Friday 20th May and all the info’ is here: www.chalfontstgilesliteraryfestival.org.uk
I believe some places are still available.
‘Radio, Readings and Memoirs …’
04/05/2022 // by Jan Moran Neil