‘Red Lipstick & Revelations’ Book Launch/saturday 22nd April

09/04/2017 // by Jan Moran Neil

Blog 161 – ‘Red Lipstick & Revelations’ Book Launch and Reading – Saturday 22nd April.
I put this as my heading just in case anyone reads this and would like to come along to Barn Hall, Amersham Community Centre at 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm on this date. I will be reading along with a couple of Creative Ink for Actors for about an hour. There is a licensed bar, free entry and free car parking. Just let me know.
I’m just back from Cape Town where I met with the Fish Hoek Scribblers and my friend Sybil for whom I wrote a cinquain a few bi-months ago.

Bold, Poetic.
Loving, writing, thinking
Of you, dear friend

She’s recovering well from her stroke and I am recovering from my Sudden Hearing Loss. (SHL) but more the steroids I was blasted with before I took flight to Cape Town. Susan Swart, a Tinnitus Specialist in Cape Town www.43deanstreet.co.za told me that the body has an amazing ability to heal itself.
Creative Ink ‘Get Inspired’ classes this term are full with a waiting list. The theme is Time. It’s a great healer. The sun helps too. Isn’t it good to see it has its hat on today?
Here’s the link for the Rhyme & Reason entry form for poetry (which I am judging) and prose. Theme: Freedom. Closing date: June 1st.

One thought on “‘Red Lipstick & Revelations’ Book Launch/saturday 22nd April

  1. Phillip Sheahan says:

    I’m puckered and awaiting my Red Lipstick moment. My pleasure is the post from Amazon. Can’t make the April rendezvous. I’ll be on an autumnal retreat to the southern hemisphere. It will be a fabulous night I’m sure. Congratulations. Enjoy the poetry of the occasion.

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