Dancing …

04/01/2017 // by Jan Moran Neil

Dancing …
I hope the New Year brings you all you wish for yourself and that you danced into 2017. I didn’t. The twisted nerve syndrome was however alleviated by Poetry with the Quakers yesterday. The theme was ‘Dancing’ so I chose Belloc’s ‘Tarantella’ and then read my own poem ‘Dressed to Kill’ which was inspired by Hilaire’s own and something I used to do before Twisted Nerve Syndrome. ‘Dressed to Kill’ will be in my collection ‘Red Lipstick & Revelations’ published by Indigo Dreams and will be on the shelves shortly. (Cover is in creation.) The twisted nerve was probably also alleviated by New Year Ginger Wine which was provided. Quakers know how to dance and party.
Tuesdays/Get Inspired beginning on January 10th for five weeks is now full. (Thank you, Maureen for taking the last place. Blog notifications really do work and we welcome you to Creative Ink!) But if you are interested in coming and tasting email me.
There are still some places left on the ‘Get that Book’ arrangement – £120 for 4000 words and a one and a quarter hour consultation.

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