Beyond the Bard … by Ms Paige Turner
Commemorating the 400th anniversary of the supposed birthday and dying day of William Shakespeare on April 23rd, Writing Magazine are publishing the first of my two features: ‘Beyond the Bard’ in their May edition. It’s on sale on the High Street. This month demonstrates how we can use Shakespeare’s plots as a springboard for our own stories.
I’m looking forward to this coming Wednesday evening’s workshop in Amersham on the theme of ‘Black and White’ because nothing ever is, is it, apart from the colour of my blog? There are also still some places on the workshop which is definitely running at Missenden Abbey on April 23rd ‘Unlocking Your Creative Unconscious’ and places left on the Get that Book Out of You course running for five weeks from Thursday 21st April so email me for any more details of anything in this paragraph.
Tuesdays/Get Inspired – full with waiting list.
Beyond the Bard …
10/04/2016 // by Jan Moran Neil