Blog 108 – Literary Representation Opportunity and Deception …
Creative Ink for Writers’ summer term for Tuesdays: Get Inspired and Thursdays: Get that Book out of You at the Fitzwilliams Centre, Beaconsfield is now fully subscribed.
However you may be interested in a Day Workshop I am teaching in London on Sunday 14th June entitled Deception: the Power of the Unreliable Narrator. This is a special event and hosted by New London Writers. Long-established literary agent Jeffrey Simmons will meet with you to discuss your work. The event offers an opportunity to develop your writing in line with a professional appraisal. You will need to send the opening chapters of your novel (plus synopsis) to New London Writers at least two weeks prior to the event. Please note, the novel does not have to be finished but you should have completed three chapters.
Jeffrey and his assistant Nick Purves (editor of The Guardian’s favourite blog,( will spend fifteen minutes chatting with you about your material. They will assess your novel’s suitability for agency representation. In the case of uncompleted work, they will offer literary advice going forward.
• A short presentation by Jeffrey Simmons followed by discussion. You will have the opportunity to talk to Jeffrey about the publishing process.
• A private reading of your work (synopsis and opening chapters) and a critique from Jeffrey Simmons and Nick Purves. (The critique is prepared in advance of your face-to-face meeting.)
• Face-to-face meeting with Jeffrey Simmons and Nick Purves. Jeffrey and Nick will appraise your novel’s market potential and offer critical advice for improvement if need be. (If changes to the work are recommended, you may be able to re-submit your manuscript.)
In addition, there will be a two-and-a-half hour writers’ workshop hosted by Jan Moran Neil who runs Creative Ink for Writers.
The event will be held at the exquisite All Saints in Fitzrovia, a short walking distance from Oxford Circus Tube. Date: Sunday 14th June – 2.00pm – 5.00pm.
Complimentary refreshments will be provided on arrival.
How to Book:
Critique/Agency Meeting/Workshop = £105
You can pay a 50% deposit with the rest payable by May 1st. For more details and to make your booking please RSVP below and drop an email to, with BOOKING in the subject line.
Please specify if you wish to pay the full amount or a non-refundable deposit. We will then send you an invoice with a link to payment and registration.
PLACES ARE LIMITED TO TEN AND THREE HAVE ALREADY BEEN TAKEN. If you have any questions please feel free to call us on 07804900195.