‘From Planet Janet …’

12/01/2020 // by Jan Moran Neil

‘From Planet Janet…’ by Ms Paige Turner
I was going to write this short blog before the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s (or are they still?) announcement last week that they were ‘stepping back’ from Royal Duties.
This must be in part because the duchess (is she still?) believes that one should ‘thrive and not have to just survive’ as she mentioned in the Tom Bradbury documentary interview last October.
What planet is the Duchess of Sussex on? The majority of people in this world learn to survive. I did. And when we can thrive comes in moments if we are fortunate. The Duchess of Sussex is very fortunate to hold this belief. She is rich and famous. And I am not racist.
Let me know if you want to come to the Creative Ink Evening Workshop on Thursday 19th March – 8.00 pm until 10.00 pm. £20 for the session, Suzie’s stunning snacks and hand out sheets. ‘The Birth of an Idea’. Beaconsfield.

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