Blog 70 – Rubbish by Ms Paige Turner
I know in the long run, it will be a good thing. I know we need to do this for the environment but it’s just that the timing isn’t great.
I mean how many of these newly purchased tiny food sacs are we going to use up in this hot weather? I don’t know about you, chicken but I had dumped my food rubbish with all other debris almost daily even in the winter. Since rubbish collections have changed and with two of us in the house I’m not filling these newly purchased tiny food sacs every day. However, in this swathe of newly arrived heat the dumped food is smelling if you don’t put them in one of these copious wheelies outside the door on a daily basis.
And talking of the size of these sacs and the seasons, one of my lovely friends – Ms Beaconsfield Theatre – raised the question: how are we going to get the turkey carcass in the tiny food sac on Christmas night – or during the days following Christmas Day. Is it not enough for the Chief Turkey Cook and Red Wine Bottle Washer to have to slave over a hob at this time without having to break down a turkey carcass? Sorry turkeys.
It’s all too much for me. A nameless friend asked me how I was getting on with the rubbish and I told her Mister Justin Case has taken it over as a career and for this I am eternally grateful, even if he does scold me when I get the bin bag wrong for the clementine peel. She said – wait for it – she’s given up on the whole business and gone back to how it used to be done – and, and, so have her friends.
In this hot weather, I just need to go and lie down at the thought of it all and a yet another recent birthday. At least the wasps are spare in the air.
It all goes to show that I can write about anything, including rubbish. I’ll ask the WI what they think on Monday as I’m teaching them how to write a story.
Email me for Creative Ink for Writers classes in November and keep sending in the stories on the theme of Promises please.