Blog 59 – Making Waves – Ms Paige Turner tells a porkie pie on each blog – spot this one and you will get an invite to Creative Ink’s Guest Speaker – Dermot Fitzpatrick’s talk on Thursday 15th February at the Fitzwilliams Centre, Beaconsfield at 11.00am.
My first entrée into The World of Radio was as a Jingle Voice for Hereward Radio in Peterborough. Yes, I’ve embraced the spoken and written word from all angles.
My claim to Radio Fame was in the 80s when for a fiver a jingle – selling anything from ice cream to wholemeal bread, I earned a crust. One had to work quickly in the allotted couple of hours. The faster you talked, the less you blooped, the quicker came the five pound notes.
It was then with some horror – having been invited to sell Creative Ink’s wares and MY NOVEL – BLACKBERRY PROMISES – for five minutes ‘on the BBC Radio 5 Counties waves’ that when re-played to me Mr Justin Case said, “Was it possible for you to speak any quicker?” Well, I’d had years of training in getting the information out there.
I was also asked to speak, and this time at some length on Marlow FM Radio, – interviewed by Dermot Fitzpatrick and his dulcet tones. Dermot is a riveting motivational speaker who happens to be coming to talk to Creative Ink writers this term about your ‘Acre of Diamonds’.
Yesterday I played back the hour long interview. Dermot’s Irish Brogue is a balm for sore ears and I wasn’t that bad, but if you gave me a fiver for every time I said the word ‘actually’ then I could take a long holiday. Horrors. It made me realise that Responding on Radio is not a piece of strawberry jam cake and there’s an awful lot for this voice teacher to learn.
Okay, I’m now coming round to the nib point of this blog, dear Readers, and how do I know anyone reads this at all if you don’t leave a posting and how do I know you are ‘dear’. Subsequent to my making my own waves with Dermot I was asked by Marlow Book Club to give another few minutes on Marlow FM about MY NOVEL – BLACKBERRY PROMISES. I tried to speak a little slower and this coming Friday 1st February between 9.30am and 11.00am MY NOVEL – BLACKBERRY PROMISES – is being reviewed. How scary is that, chickens?
Tune in.
Read my ‘Write for Radio’ series in ‘Writing Magazine’.
If you’ve read MY NOVEL – BLACKBERRY PROMISES – and liked it, will you leave a review on Amazon?
Start your short story on the theme of ‘Promises’ for Creative Ink’s new competition.
Slightly late blog this bi-month – busy teaching that lovely group of writers who came to the Missenden Abbey ‘Get that Book out of You’ course this last weekend.
I read it dear.
Good luck with the interview. Is nib point tautology? two words meaning exactly the same or is this emphasis. I await to be enlightened.
This is the best article I have read, thank you, I have learned a lot of knowledge in this area.
I am hoping to attend Mr Fitzpatrick’s talk on Valentine’s Day, Thursday 14th February – and not Thursday 15th!