Blog 19 – The Miss Haversham Complex – Ms Paige Turner tells an intentional fib on each blog. This week she is giving away a free assessment of a poem or Flash Fiction up to 600 words for the first correct answer posted.
My house is falling down around me. We’re waiting for the builders to arrive. I’ve been researching kitchen extensions and shades of magnolia paint for three months now and the Wizard of Oz is going to give me a PHD in Home Decorations for I know all there is to know about granite. I told my sister I felt like Miss Haversham, sitting waiting for my future to begin having lived with the Laura Ashley blue roses which have been clinging to our lounge walls for fifteen years and there’s avocado in the bathroom. I need change.
Then I remembered that the lovely Gemma Mount Photography was coming to photograph me in my 26 year old wedding dress for a feature. Gemma’s been snapping ladies who can get into their vintage wedding dresses. It was a close shave. All I needed was some cobwebs.
I’m just back from Croydon having helped out (sometimes by remote control – more former adjective than latter) at the Old Croydonians Centenary Exhibition at my old school – Selhurst Glamour School for Girls – now known as the BRIT school so I’ve been truly wallowing in the past. Put a school uniform on my glamorous peers and you could mistake them for teenagers. As I was dishing out the teas and chocolate rolls a delightful gentleman who was educated in the adjacent boys school in the 40s asked if that was a bit before my time. Hence a bit of the complex just now. To buy Isabel Macleod’s splendid Centenary book go to
What am I promoting this bi-monthly? Well, there’s one more month to go before the Dear John monologue writing competition deadline and the entries have been steadily coming in. The fiver goes straight to the Heart charities as we have no overheads so keep them coming. If you write more than one – and a number of writers are doing so – enter them under a pseudonym.
Both my classes ‘Get Inspired’ on Tuesday mornings and ‘Get That Book out of You’ on Thursday mornings at the Fitzwilliams Centre are running for seven weeks starting in October. There are still a few places left.
The assessment must be taken up by the end of August.
Incorrect spelling? Miss Havisham instead of Haversham? (to say nothing of glamour for grammar)
I’ve been to Blackheath and back today on business. The journey was a nightmare – almost 3 hours to get there – yes, 3 hours and it’s only 36 miles. The return journey wasn’t much better. Hence I have no chance of spotting the fib before eagle-eyed Caroline Francis. What a sham and no glamour.